Being married isn’t as difficult as many people make it.
However if you are not intentional in your marriage it will grow dull and slip
away from you. Staying connected with your spouse helps you both to remain on
mission and fulfill your purpose as a couple. So I’ve compiled five tips that
have helped me and hopefully they will inspire you to keep the flame alive.
It is so easy to stay glued to our devices and ignore our
spouses. So this is first because social media can take up HOURS of your day if
you let it. All those hours could be better spent spending quality time with
your spouse and rediscovering who they are. People grow all the time right
under your nose and if you aren’t careful you can wake up next to a stranger.
Going on dates needs to be a regular occurrence in your
household, whether you have children or not. Your spouse is your first ministry
and second only to God on your list of priorities. Just remember you don’t have
to break the bank to have a good time! Check out one of my previous blogs if
you need some inspiration.
Stay in communication throughout the day
Check in on your spouse. If you work separate jobs you might
have no idea what they are facing if you don’t ask. Give them time to vent on
your lunch break or even via text, but I would say to check in at least once
every day.
Have sex on a regular basis
There is a reason why God pushes married couples to have
sex. Other than the obvious possibility of children sex allows you to be
vulnerable and loved in a way that you can’t experience with any other human
being. 1 Corinthians 7:5 clearly tells us to not deprive one another and the
Song of Solomon gives you tons of ideas to keep things interesting in the
bedroom. God is not anti-sex. It is a gift He has given to married people to
help bring offspring into the world and raise them up to be Godly leaders while
doubling as a tool of unparalleled human intimacy. Enjoy it.
Spend time in worship together
Last, but most certainly not least, spending time
worshiping God together on a regular basis is probably one of the best things
you could do for your relationship. Even if you do all the other tips and you
ignore this one you are missing out on an experience that transforms you from
the inside out. As a COUPLE. Worshiping alone is one thing, and it’s amazing, but sharing
that intimate worship space with your spouse will blow your mind in a myriad of
How do you reconnect with your spouse? Let me know in the
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Simple yet very effective tips. This is very good
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